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Geroldine Williams
Class of 1949

“[I remember] Mr. Hayes. I loved Mr. Hayes. He was my history teacher. I can remember taking a class from Mr. Holland, the science teacher. I learned how to type. I didn’t take shorthand I don’t think. I remember going up and down those stairs, and we had a group of girls that went around together. Used to have slumber parties. My dad taught at Boise High. And at North. He taught mechanical drawing. I can remember in the gym, singing ‘O Come All Ye Faithful' as we marched in. And I used to play volleyball, and basketball. [Our class] we used to call ourselves the forty-niners. I remember when my friend Marilyn broke her leg skiing, and I had to carry her books up and down the stairs for weeks, and I remembered right then and there I would never ski.”

Class of 1940 - 55 year reunion
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